Unlimited tracks / layers Tracks are used to layer images, videos, and audio in a project.Desktop integration (drag and drop support, native file browsers, window borders).The key frames interpolation mode can be quadratic bezier curves, linear, or constant, which determines how the animated values are calculated. Powerful curve-based Key frame animations.For a full list of supported formats, see the FFmpeg project. Support for many video, audio, and image formats using the FFmpeg library.Cross-platform video editing software ( Linux, macOS, Windows and Chrome OS).The program can render MPEG4, ogv, Blu-ray, and DVD video, and Full HD videos for uploading to Internet video web sites. OpenShot supports commonly used video compression formats that are supported by FFmpeg, including WebM ( VP9), AVCHD ( libx264), HEVC ( libx265), and audio codecs such as mp3 ( libmp3lame) and aac ( libfaac). Screenshot of OpenShot Video Editor 1.4.3